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Dragon Claw Orange Fluo seeds
[25,000 SHU] [C. Annuum] Chili pepper also appreciated by those who do not like extreme flavors as it is not too spicy and sweet on the palate. In the Orange Fluo variant, it is a simple strain to grow.
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Saltillo seeds
[25,000 SHU] Chili pepper with long ripening times, a beautiful bright red color and a delicate flavor.
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Juma! Yellow seeds
[20,000 SHU] [F1] [C. Annuum] Chili pepper born spontaneously among the plants of another species, it adapts well even to small spaces and is extremely pleasing to the eye with its beautiful bright yellow color.
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Prairie Fire seeds
[20,000 SHU] Chili pepper of American origins, which is well suited to cultivation in pots given its small size, it is also highly appreciated for its decorative value because it produces many fruits, not too spicy and therefore pleasant to every palate, color variable according to the degree of ripeness.
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Cancun seeds
[20,000 SHU] Aesthetically very pleasing, this chili pepper goes very well with growing in pots, creating a delightful flower bed effect. Not too spicy, with a very variable color that touches all shades: black, purple, orange and red!
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Purple Ufo seeds
[20,000 SHU] [C. Annuum] Very nice chili pepper, not too spicy and with a delicate and sweet taste.
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Jalapeño Biker Billy seeds
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[15,000 SHU] Chili pepper discovered in the kitchen of the famous American chef, passionate about cooking and motorcycles. Its size is remarkable.
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Jalapearl seeds
[15.000 SHU] Chili pepper born from a cross with two other species, of considerable size and an attractive pearly color.
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Jalapeño seeds
[15,000 SHU] Chili pepper of South American origin and cultivated in the US. On average spicy, the color varies from green to red.
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Jalapeño Yellow seeds
[15,000 SHU] Chili pepper of South American origin and purely American cultivation. Medium spicy, in the yellow variant.
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Jalapeño Brown seeds
[15,000 SHU] Chili pepper of South American origin and purely American cultivation. Medium spicy, in the brown variant, with a typical sweet flavor.
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Jamaica Hot Yellow seeds
[15,000 SHU] Chili pepper of South American origin, extraordinary despite its moderate spiciness but with a unique flavor with a hint of fruit, golden yellow color.
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Jamaica Hot Red seeds
[15,000 SHU] Chili pepper beautiful in shape and color but not very spicy, therefore suitable for all palates.
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Jalahot seeds
[15,000 SHU] Very rare chili pepper to find, originally from South America and of medium spiciness, so it goes well with any dish.
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Jamaica Hot Black seeds
[15,000 SHU] Not very spicy chili pepper that resembles a mushroom in reverse shape!
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Thunder Mountain Longhorn seeds
[15,000 SHU] [C. Annuum] Chili pepper from the Far East, famous for being the longest in the world.
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Bishop's Crow seeds
[10,000 SHU] Chili pepper with a characteristic bell shape, not very spicy but nevertheless highly appreciated for its fruit scent.
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Bishop's Crown Orange seeds
[10,000 SHU] Chili pepper with a characteristic bell shape, not very spicy but nevertheless highly appreciated for its fruit scent. Orange variant of Italian creation!
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Peter Pepper seeds
[10,000 SHU] Quite hot chili pepper, best known for its bizarre penis shape. Originally from South America and very rare to find.
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Chili Pepper Cherry seeds
[10,000 SHU] Chili pepper very well known and appreciated in Italy, notoriously used for many classic culinary preparations.
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Chili Pepper Cherry Yellow seeds
[10,000 SHU] Yellow variant of this chili pepper very well known and appreciated in Italy, notoriously used for many classic culinary preparations.
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Tabasco seeds
[5,000 SHU] [C. Frutescens] Chili pepper from which the famous sauce is produced !!!
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Cayambe seeds
[10,000 SHU] [C. Annuum] Chili pepper of South American origins, cultivated since ancient times, with oblong fruits.
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Pyramid seeds
[5,000 SHU] Of Mexican origins, this chili pepper is also widely used as an ornamental plant, very colorful and not very spicy.
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Tomato Chili Pepper seeds
[5,000 SHU] Rare and hybrid chili pepper, very similar in shape to a tomato and very sweet.
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Dog Nose seeds
[3,000 SHU] [C. Annuum] Chili pepper much loved in Italy, sweet and not very spicy, used in many culinary preparations because it is well suited to all tastes.
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Pasilla Bajio seeds
[1,500 SHU] [C. Annuum] Chill pepper of Mexican origin, delicately spicy and with a typical hint of smoked and raisins.
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Ancho Grande seeds
[1500 CHU][C.Annuum]The most popular Mexican chili pepper, with a slightly spicy but very tasty hint on the palate.
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Godzilla Reaper Peach seeds
[2.000.000 SHU] [C.Chinense] Chili pepper with a characteristic "monstrous" appearance, hence the name, it is certainly just as hot in its spiciness!
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Round tomato seeds
Rustic and vigorous seeds which adapt weel to the Italian climate, preferring sunny places. They produce tomatoes from a bright green to a red colour with an average weight of 250-350 gr.
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Pantano "Sarom" tomato seeds
Hybrid seeds which produce large and red tomatoes that are flattened at the poles. They need support for a better growht and to be sowned in Febraury or March. Then have to be transplanted in the ground around the month of July.
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"Big Red" tomato seeds
Red tomato seeds, from hybrid species. The plant is big and quite productive with an intense and decisive flavor. The fruit of the tomato can weigh up to about 300 gr. In the warm months they can be planted in the ground. In the spring in the greenhouse.
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Pantano Romanesco Ancient Selection tomato seeds
An ancient rich and tasty selection. An ancient selection rich in taste, flavor and tradition. The tomato has large, round, slightly flattened dimensions. Being a tall plant it needs support for growth. To be transplanted into the ground during the warm months.
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"Super Stick" Steak Tomato Seeds
These seeds will give birth to excellent tomatoes ideal for dressing burgers and salads. The tomatoes are large and can weigh up to 400 grams each. The resulting plant produces many tomatoes and resists disease. Simple to grow.
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Mediterranean San Marzano tomato seeds
The seeds give rise to a rich and very productive plant. The fruits that are produced are long and tapered with a weight of about 120 gr. The tomato is pulpy, tasty and perfect to be eaten in salads or to prepare sauces and gravies. The plant must be transplanted in the spring.
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Super Giant Homestead Tomato Seeds
The seeds give life to a rigorous and very productive plant. The tomato is large and deep red. Very fleshy and consistent, the fruit is perfect when eaten fresh. To be sown first in the greenhouse and then in the field.
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Sorrento tomato seeds
The seeds of the Sorrento tomato produce round and large-sized tomatoes, of a very light red color with some shades of green. Widely used to prepare an excellent Caprese salad, giving the dish sweetness and delicacy.
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San Marzano tomato seeds
San Marzano tomato seeds produce a very vigorous and disease resistant plant. The resulting elongated tomato can weigh up to 180 gr. It has a color that varies from dark green to deep red. It can be grown both in the greenhouse and in the field.
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Semi di pomodoro San Marzano Antica Selezione
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I semi di pomodoro San Marzano Antica Selezione sono nativi delle terre del Vesuvio. La pianta che ne deriva è altamente produttiva e i pomodori dalla forma ovoidale, hanno un colore rosso acceso. Vengono principalmente utilizzati nella preparazione di salse e pelati.
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Antica Selezione San Marzano tomato seeds
San Marzano Antica Selezione tomato seeds are native to the lands of Vesuvius. The resulting plant is highly productive and the ovoid-shaped tomatoes have a bright red color. They are mainly used in the preparation of sauces and peeled tomatoes.
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San Marzano Giano tomato seeds
San Marzano Giano tomato seeds are very productive and the resulting plant is very resistant to disease. Before transplanting the plant it is very important to fertilize the soil. The oval-shaped tomatoes are exceptional in salads and seasoned.
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"San Marzano corno" tomato seeds
The "San Marzano corno" tomato seeds are very productive, the resulting plant is rich and needs support for growth. The tomato has the typical shape of a horn and is not very sensitive to diseases. The fruit is pinkish and inside it is enriched with water.
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White gold roman broccoli seeds
Seeds of a hybrid plant with medium earliness, this species is capable of producing a large amount of fruit. Once ripe, this broccoli takes on the classic pyramid shape and boasts a color tending to bright green which then discolours. If it is too ripe, it can still be consumed in an average short time as it is able to preserve its...
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Natalino Veronica roman broccoli seeds
Altogether similar in shape, color and variety to Ottombrino broccoli, this species has a longer ripening period. Hybrid with a medium cycle, Veronica broccoli has a pyramid shape and a pigmentation tending to bright green. Easily tolerates discoloration.
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S. Giuseppe Colosseo roman broccoli seeds
Seeds of a species of high quality and not very vigorous, that is transplanted in the cold months, starting from September, and is harvested in the spring months. The broccoli has a pyramid shape and boasts an almost dark green color. The leaves are large and covering, perfect for protecting the inflorescence until it is harvested.
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S. Giuseppe pomezio roman broccoli seeds
A late cycle variety of broccoli, this species requires a long period on the ground before it can be harvested. Seeds of a rustic and vigorous plant that adapts perfectly to adverse climatic conditions, managing to withstand cold and frost. The broccoli is pyramidal in shape and boasts a bright green color.
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Branchy calabrian broccoli seeds
Seeds of a rather productive plant, which grows giving rise to a large branched inflorescence. The broccoli must be harvested during the cold months by cutting off the base. Once harvested, the plant will be able to produce many more.
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Red calabrian broccoli seeds
Seeds of a very productive and precocious plant, this species is able to give rise to broccoli with a characteristic purplish red color, with a rounded shape. The leaves, all around, boast large dimensions and a dark green pigmentation. The broccoli has a sweet and pleasant flavor.
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Sessantina broccoli rabe seeds
Seeds of an early and quite vigorous plant, this species produces long stems with medium-sized dark green leaves. For a correct consumption this species must be harvested before flowering begins. From sowing to harvesting, the Sessantina takes about 60 days.
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Novantina broccoli rabe seeds
Seeds of a species that produces a large amount of shoots which will then be consumed during the winter months. The plant that grows from the seeds, boasts large dark green leaves and small evergreen flowers. Once harvested, the Novantina broccoli rabe can be eaten cooked in a pan as a side dish or as a condiment for first courses.
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Centoventina broccoli rabe seeds
These seeds will germinate in one of the most common species of broccoli rabe, a plant that needs a period of preparation for cultivation before the period of the great frosts, in order to avoid that it can suffer from it. The Centoventina takes about 120 days to mature and boasts large leaves and rounded tops.
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Marzatica broccoli rabe seeds
Seeds of a quite productive species with a fairly high production cycle. The Marzatica broccoli rabe has dark green leaves, with a medium to large rounded inflorescence. The plant begins to mature after about 150 days and can be harvested until the dawn of spring.
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Aprilatica broccoli rabe seeds
Seeds of a very productive and vigorous plant. This species is able to produce green leaves, very long and slightly dentate. The Aprilatica broccoli rabe boasts a very late cycle, so much so that the harvest can take place after 150 days. Its flavor is an excellent combination of sweet and pungent.
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Long red pepper for grill seeds
Seeds from a plant with high productivity, although it reduces the quantity with each production. Ideal for both greenhouse and open field cultivation. The peppers generated are of the square type, have a smooth and regular skin and a bright red color, always tending to shiny.
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Linares red pepper seeds
Seeds of a plant that needs constant and continuous irrigation. The cultivation soil for this species must be deep enough and well fertilized. The shape of the peppers is square and once they reach the ripening stage they get a bright red color. The sweet flavor and consistency makes them ideal also for raw consumption.
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Costadoro yellow pepper seeds
Seeds of a compact and covering plant, qualities that help it adapt to both greenhouse and open field cultivation. The peppers have an elongated shape, thick and fleshy pulp, and the typical yellow color. Even after its harvest, this vegetable is easily preserved.
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Ideal yellow pepper seeds
Seeds of a hybrid plant, which has a considerable amount of leaves and is very compact and vigorous. The peppers have an elongated cylindrical shape and boast a bright yellow color when fully ripe. Highly productive species, suitable for greenhouse and open field cultivation.
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Casanova green squared pepper seeds
Seeds of a plant very resistant to disease, vigorous and covering. The peppers have a bright green pigmentation that turns yellow when they reach the stage of maximum ripeness. Their slightly elongated shape, together with the thick and tasty pulp, make these fruits ideal to be consumed directly raw.
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Zlutasek citrine squared pepper seeds
Seeds of a very resistant plant, which likes a well fertilized soil to grow at its best. Characteristic of this species is the high digestibility factor. The peppers have a citrine yellow color once they have reached maturity. They are considered excellent in salads or pickled, thanks to their crunchy peel.
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Diablo red bull horn pepper seeds
Seeds from a very rich and highly productive plant that produces oval-shaped, somewhat elongated peppers. The intense red color predominates both on the external skin and on the internal pulp. Not at all a capricious species, it adapts both to difficult soils in open fields and to greenhouse cultivation.
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Ringo yellow bull horn pepper seeds
Seeds of a species that enjoys both greenhouse and open field cultivation. The plant, which has an erect posture with short internodes, generates peppers of an intense yellow color. At maximum ripeness it acquires some greenish streaks. The pulp is always yellow, smooth and fleshy.
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Goat horn pepper seeds
Seeds of a very vigorous plant, which needs the light and intensity of the sun's rays. The shape of the peppers is quite elongated and narrow, and the pigmentation is a very strong and dark red. Also appreciated dried to be consumed in the cold season.
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Topepo red pepper seeds
Seeds of a plant that is hypersensitive to cold, and thus needs exposure to heat sources throughout its development. The peppers have a circular shape, are flattened at the poles and acquire an intense red color. Often eaten stuffed thanks to their sweet and genuine flavor.
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Topepo yellow pepper seeds
Seeds of a species that prefers very fertile soils and mainly exposed to the sun. In addition, the land must be constantly irrigated.The color of the peppers is a bright yellow, the shape is circular and flattened at the poles. Excellent to taste stuffed or in oil.
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Pizzotello beneventano pepper seeds
Seeds of a species that reaches medium size and is quite productive. The peppers generated have a conical shape and are approximately 13 cm long. Their color tends to an intense, almost dark red. Excellent for raw consumption thanks to their fleshy pulp.
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Frigitello dolcetto pepper seeds
Seeds of a rather resistant and productive species, which has a medium-high growth habit. The peppers acquire an intense green color and a conical, elongated shape. The pulp is very thin with a sweet and slightly spicy flavor. They are perfect stir-fried or added to salads.
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Friggitello napoletano tenerello pepper seeds
Seeds of a productive and very rich plant, which produces conical-shaped peppers. Their color tends to an intense, almost dark green. The harvest is expected from July to September. Excellent consumed raw and also cooked.
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Blonde cigarette-shaped pepper seeds
Seeds of a very productive species that constantly needs light and the intensity of the sun's rays. To get the best out of the plant, you need to water the soil sparingly, quite often. The peppers have a greenish, very light color and an elongated shape.
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Long spicy cayenne pepper seeds
Seeds of a species that prefers well-irrigated soils and long exposure to the sun. The shape of the peppers is elongated and very narrow. Having a deep red pigmentation and a spicy flavor, they are ideal for the preparation of hot sauces.
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Dog Nose Spicy Pepper Seeds
Seeds of a productive, covering and very high growth habit species. Originated in Calabria, this pepper has a conical shape and a bright red color. The pulp is thick and moderately spicy, which is why it is very much enjoyed in powder.
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Spicy pepper in bunch seeds
Seeds of a species that needs to be exposed to sunlight constantly, and requires a more frequent water intake. The peppers generated are small, have a bright red color and grow, in fact, "in bunches".
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Spicy round cherry pepper seeds
Seeds of a highly productive species that requires long exposure to the sun and well-irrigated land. The peppers have a round shape and are small in size. With a distinct flavor and balanced spiciness, they are excellent for flavoring dishes.
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Rodeo spicy pepper for stuffing seeds
Seeds of a productive species, which are sown in the second and third months of the year and harvested in the months of July and September. The peppers have a round shape, deep red pigmentation and are small in size. Thanks to their shape, they are excellent stuffed.
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Capperino pepper for stuffing seeds
Seeds of a very productive plant, with a round and drooping crown. It requires a more frequent water supply, to facilitate development. The peppers acquire a deep red color when fully ripe, and are small in size. The flavor is distinct and decidedly spicy.
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Nestor yellow elongated pepper seeds
Seeds of a very productive and vigorous species with large fruits, which can reach up to 18 cm. The peppers have an ovoid and elongated shape, and a dark yellow color. Their skin is thin and resistant while the pulp is fleshy and sweet.
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Favilla red elongated pepper seeds
Seeds of an early and equally productive species, perfect for cultivation in the open field. The shape of the peppers is rectangular and boast a bright red color. Provided with showy ribs, they are very robust and persistent.
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Gold Queen yellow square pepper seeds
Seeds from a productive plant with short internodes that produces medium-sized, square-shaped, slightly elongated peppers. The color varies from green to yellow when the fruit reaches full ripeness.
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Lido red square pepper seeds
Seeds of a species that can easily adapt to both open field and greenhouse cultivation. Very vigorous and productive, this hybrid plant produces bright red peppers with a square shape. The fruit is pulpy and has a very pleasant flavor.
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Yellow bull horn pepper seeds
Seeds of a productive and vigorous species, which is characterized by sweet and sugary fruits. The peppers have a conical shape and a pale yellow color, rarely even green. In cooking, they are excellent pickled and in brine.
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Red bull horn pepper seeds
Seeds of a highly productive species, with short internodes and upright habit. The peppers acquire a bright red color and an elongated shape. The pulp is also intense red, fleshy and smooth. They can be eaten raw or cooked, because of their sweet taste.
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Yellow square pepper seeds
Seeds of an early species, not very capricious. To facilitate the development, the plants require only a correct irrigation. The peppers are very large and have a yellow color and a resistant skin. The pulp is meaty and crunchy and the flavor is sweet and tasty.
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Red squared pepper seeds
Seeds of a very productive and precocious species that easily adapts to both open field and greenhouse cultivation. The peppers generated have a square shape, a deep red color and can reach approximately 300 g. The pulp is thick and has a pleasantly sweet flavor.
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Ideal long black eggplant seeds
Seeds of a plant with a tall bearing that generates aubergines of an elongated shape, and a very dark pigmentation that tends to glossy black once the fruit reaches the ripening stage. This variety of eggplant can reach approximately 25 cm in length.
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Mirabella long black eggplant seeds
Seeds of a productive species, which requires the intensity and warmth of the sun's rays as well as very frequent irrigation, for its ideal growth. The eggplants, which have an elongated shape, acquire a dark purple color when fully ripe.
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Miranda long black eggplant seeds
Seeds of a highly productive plant that produces aubergines of a very dark and bright purple color. With a length that can reach 27 cm, these fruits have an average weight of 200 grams and a not very thorny calyx. Species belonging to the Rimini type variety, with a late production, suitable for both open field and greenhouse cultivation.
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Nubia pink striped oval eggplant seeds
Seeds of a medium productive species that originates fruits of excellent quality and with an excellent consistency. The eggplants boast an oval shape, a little elongated, are white in color and have purple streaks. They are very meaty and soft, as well as seedless. The flavor is sweet and delicate.
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Mini black oval eggplant seeds
Seeds of a plant that has good vigor, and produces a large amount of eggplants in the summer. A species designed for small spaces, these aubergines reach just 7 cm in length and take on a black-purple color. It adapts both to cultivation in pots and in the open field, but it must necessarily be exposed to sunlight as much as possible.
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Giotto black oval eggplant seeds
Seeds of a vigorous and productive species. The plant is medium-tall and has an erect, sapling-shaped habit. For its ideal development, the plant requires prolonged exposure to heat sources and the sun. The eggplants acquire a purplish-black color and a round shape. Species that has a high resistance to post-harvest oxidation.
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Round white eggplant seeds with pink shades
Seeds of a highly productive species. The plant is robust, with covering leaves. The eggplants have a round shape and reach up to 600 grams in weight. The peculiarity of this variety is the white color tinged with pink. The fruit has a white, delicate and sweet pulp.
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Long white eggplant seeds
Seeds of a very robust plant, of medium vigor. The eggplants have an elongated oval shape, and are devoid of pigmentation, completely white. The fruit reaches approximately 23 cm in length, has few seeds and a sweet taste.
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Beatrice lilac round eggplant seeds
Seeds from a very productive plant, even at high temperatures. It requires a rich fertilization in order to guarantee perfect development. The eggplants have a bright lilac color, a round shape and reach 400 grams in weight. Inside, the fruit is white and remains so even after cooking.
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Brillant purple round eggplant seeds
Seeds of a very high quality species, which requires transplanting in a greenhouse from February to March and then in the open field in the following months, until July. The eggplants are large, round in shape and have dark purple pigmentation. The pulp is white, compact and delicate. This vegetable has excellent nutritional values, a sweet taste and is...
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Seta violet oval eggplant seeds
Seeds of a very vigorous species, which produces a high quantity of oval, elongated aubergines. Their color is violet and can weigh up to 300 grams. With a thin skin and soft and tasty pulp, this variety can be used in the preparation of numerous recipes: baked first courses, grated, grilled and preserved in oil.
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Clara white oval eggplant seeds
Seeds of an erect plant, very productive and medium early. Hybrid variety that is suitable for both greenhouse and open field cultivation. The eggplants have an oval and elongated shape and are devoid of pigmentation, completely white. The fruit has a meaty texture and an excellent flavor.
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Long black eggplant seeds
Seeds of a vigorous species, producing tapered aubergines of a glossy purplish black color. This vegetable can reach 25 cm in length and 200 grams in weight. Thanks to its sweet flavor, it is appreciated for frying, in oil or in parmesan.
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White oval eggplant seeds
Seeds of a grafted, productive and resistant variety. The medium-sized plant loves a draining soil, and it to be rich in organic substances. The eggplants have an ovoid shape, with slight ribbing and have a white color. Fleshy fruits with a delicate taste.
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