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Borage Seeds
With its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, borage is an aromatic herb that boasts long green stems which give birth to small light-blue flowers. After long exposure to the sunlight and if correctly grown, borage can reach one meter in height.
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Rosemary seeds
Seeds of a very productive and evergreen variety. The rosemary plant is mainly an important aromatic herb in Mediterranean cuisine. Rosemary stems are used for spices and fragrances of meat, cheese, soups, sauces and vegetables. The stems are covered with thick dark green leaves, very narrow and elongated. Rosemary can be cultivated...
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Sage seeds
Seeds of a very productive variety, of Mediterranean and evergreen origins. It grows easily both in pot and in open field. In the kitchen it has many uses, especially it is great for flavoring meat and for seasoning pasta. The sage plant has a number of medium-small leaves that are opaque green.
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Oregano seeds
Seeds of a rustic and very productive variety. Oregano is an aromatic plant widespread in Italy and throughout the Mediterranean area. It can be cultivated but can also spontaneously be born as wild grass in sunny places. The cultivation of oregano is very simple, both in the field and in pot. The stems are covered by thick bright...
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Mint seeds
Seeds of a prophylactic variety, with many uses. The plant of mint is an evergreen, with a greater inflorescence in the warm periods. Widely used in cooking, mint is a very ductile herb. It can be used both to season meat and pasta dishes but also to aromatize drinks. The plant boasts small green leaves with a pungent smell and taste.
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Lavender seeds
Seeds of a very productive variety. Lavender is mainly an ornamental aromatic plant, which also shows medicinal qualities. Its stems, covered with green-silvery leaves, hairy and thorny, have an ornamental value for the whole season. Clusters of tiny and fragrant pale violet blooms emerge among the leaves in summer.
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Marjoram seeds
Seeds of a variety born in Asia. The marjoram is an aromatic plant much appreciated in the kitchen for its delicate aroma, but also in the herbal field for its medicinal properties. This plant has a perennial or annual cycle depending on the variety chosen. The plant is quite small, with stems full of small green leaves, similar to those...
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Ice mint seeds
Seeds of a variety of African origin. Very similar to classic mint, it is also perennial. The ideal is that it is sown between March and April, while the flowering takes place between July and September. Suitable for planting in pot as well as in the open field. Recalls, to the appearance, the classic mint.
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Mentuccia seeds
Seeds of a perennial variety. Plant with a creeping habit with small bright green leaves and a taste that, compared to all other varieties of mint, is stronger and more intense. Of easy cultivation, it prefers fertile and humid soils and a sunny position. It can be used fresh to aromatize priatti and drinks but also dry in the...
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Thyme seeds
Seeds of a perennial variety, forming dense and compact bushes. This is an aromatic plant very easy to cultivate, as it resists very well to the different types of climate and soil. Besides being an aromatic plant, it is also an ornamental plant, during the spring in fact it produces small white and pink flowers. Fresh or dried leaves are...
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Chives seeds
Seeds of a perennial variety. The tubiform leaves have the characteristic taste of the onion, of which the plant is closely related and from which it takes its name. It is ideal for cultivation in the garden or in pot. The plant is formed by thick bushes that reach about 25 cm in height. The root is bulbous, while the leaves are long...
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Cat grass seeds
Seeds of a perennial variety found mainly in Europe and Asia. It is an aromatic grass that grows up to 10 to 50 cm. The leaves of the catnip, striped and green like that of the mint, are arranged in pairs, rotated by 90,- compared to the previous ones and become increasingly smaller as you climb towards the stem. The whole plant exudes a...
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