Melon seedsProducts found: 9

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Here you will find super fresh, high-quality melon seeds. And they are just a few clicks away!

Seeds of a vigorous, productive and resistant species. Hybrid variety suitable for both greenhouses and open fields. The melons are round, large and uniform in size. The smooth peel has a yellowish color when fully ripe, and the pulp has a salmon-orange pigmentation, consistent, with an intense sweet flavor.
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Seeds of a perfect species for winter storage. The plant has a tall stem, whose shoots can reach 3 meters. The melons have an oval shape and dark green wrinkled skin. The pulp is white in color and tastes great.
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Seeds of a very productive plant, which produces oval melons, with yellow skin and white pulp. Melons with this latter characteristic keep for 2-3 months after harvest. Being winter fruits, they are not as sweet and have less scent than summer melons, but this does not make them less appreciated for their delicate taste.
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Seeds of a vigorous species, which gives a profitable harvest. Melons have a round shape and very smooth pale yellow skin. The pulp is orange, soft and very sweet. As this variety needs a lot of heat, indoor cultivation is recommended.
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Seeds of a hybrid plant, of South American origin, very vigorous and productive. It adapts without problems to both greenhouse and open field cultivation. The generated melons are slightly oval and have a yellow-orange sliced segmented color, surrounded by green. The pulp is very juicy and moderately sweet.
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Semi di una pianta di ciclo molto precoce e produttiva, che ricorda la varietà Charentais. La pianta richiede una lunga esposizione al sole e una frequente, ma allo stesso tempo moderata irrigazione. I meloni hanno una forma rotondeggiante e pesano mediamente circa 1 kg ciascuno. La polpa vanta un colore arancione ed è molto succosa e zuccherina. 
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Seeds of a variety with smooth peel and juicy, yellow flesh. This is a melon of slightly smaller size than average. The production period is between June and September. It has an exotic flavor, very aromatic, which makes it perfect for gourmet dishes.
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Seeds of a rather productive variety. This variety of melon has an intense green skin, the flesh is juicy, whitish. Despite its name this plant fears the cold, in fact it prefers sunny soils, especially in the first period of growth. It is ideal for summer cultivation, this plant does not need too much water.
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Seeds of a semi-early species that offers a bountiful harvest. The melons, of medium size, have a globular shape and a pale yellow color. Inside, the color is yellow-orange and the pulp is very juicy and sugary.
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