Tomato seedsProducts found: 121

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In this category you can buy Tomato seeds with 1-Click. They are ready to sprout and to be sown. Following our guidelines, you will have beautiful, big and healthy vegetables in no time, just ready to be tasted.

Rustic and vigorous seeds which adapt weel to the Italian climate, preferring sunny places. They produce tomatoes from a bright green to a red colour with an average weight of 250-350 gr.
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Hybrid seeds which produce large and red tomatoes that are flattened at the poles. They need support for a better growht and to be sowned in Febraury or March. Then have to be transplanted in the ground around the month of July.      
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Red tomato seeds, from hybrid species. The plant is big and quite productive with an intense and decisive flavor. The fruit of the tomato can weigh up to about 300 gr. In the warm months they can be planted in the ground. In the spring in the greenhouse.
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An ancient rich and tasty selection. An ancient selection rich in taste, flavor and tradition. The tomato has large, round, slightly flattened dimensions. Being a tall plant it needs support for growth. To be transplanted into the ground during the warm months.
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These seeds will give birth to excellent tomatoes ideal for dressing burgers and salads. The tomatoes are large and can weigh up to 400 grams each. The resulting plant produces many tomatoes and resists disease. Simple to grow.
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The seeds give rise to a rich and very productive plant. The fruits that are produced are long and tapered with a weight of about 120 gr. The tomato is pulpy, tasty and perfect to be eaten in salads or to prepare sauces and gravies. The plant must be transplanted in the spring.    
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The seeds give life to a rigorous and very productive plant. The tomato is large and deep red. Very fleshy and consistent, the fruit is perfect when eaten fresh. To be sown first in the greenhouse and then in the field.
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The seeds of the Sorrento tomato produce round and large-sized tomatoes, of a very light red color with some shades of green. Widely used to prepare an excellent Caprese salad, giving the dish sweetness and delicacy.
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San Marzano tomato seeds produce a very vigorous and disease resistant plant. The resulting elongated tomato can weigh up to 180 gr. It has a color that varies from dark green to deep red. It can be grown both in the greenhouse and in the field.
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I semi di pomodoro San Marzano Antica Selezione sono nativi delle terre del Vesuvio. La pianta che ne deriva è altamente produttiva e i pomodori dalla forma ovoidale, hanno un colore rosso acceso. Vengono principalmente utilizzati nella preparazione di salse e pelati. 
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San Marzano Antica Selezione tomato seeds are native to the lands of Vesuvius. The resulting plant is highly productive and the ovoid-shaped tomatoes have a bright red color. They are mainly used in the preparation of sauces and peeled tomatoes.
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San Marzano Giano tomato seeds are very productive and the resulting plant is very resistant to disease. Before transplanting the plant it is very important to fertilize the soil. The oval-shaped tomatoes are exceptional in salads and seasoned.
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The "San Marzano corno" tomato seeds are very productive, the resulting plant is rich and needs support for growth. The tomato has the typical shape of a horn and is not very sensitive to diseases. The fruit is pinkish and inside it is enriched with water.
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This variety has a peculiar pear shape, which recalls a heart. Its skin is thin and its colour is bright red, with green streaks. It is ideal to make tomato preserves and sauces, but also to be eaten raw. Its weight can reach 300 grams.
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This variety can adapt to any kinds of soil and it grows well if watered regularly, especially during ripening. Its fruit is bright red and it has an elongated shape. Thanks to its sweet taste, it is ideal to be eaten raw or used to cook sauces and dishes au gratin.
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This variety is very productive and it has Ligurian origins. Its fruit is highly resistant to breaking down. It can reach 300 grams in weight. Its flesh is very tasty, so it is ideal to be eaten raw.
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It is ideal both for cultivation in greenhouse and in open field. Its fruit is big. Its color is bright red when completely ripe, sometimes with some green streaks. Its flavour is excellent thanks to a balanced contrast of sweet and sour.
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This variety is very productive. It easily adapts to all kinds of soil. Its fruits grow in clusters, with up to 8 tomatoes each. They are deep red and they have a round, slightly elongated, shape. Both the flesh and the skin have nutritional qualities.
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This is a classic well-known variety and it is very productive and resistant to diseases and pests. Its fruits are round and tasty. They can be eaten raw, stuffed and for sauces.
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This variety grows rapidly and it should be hung. Its fruits grow in clusters and they are heart-shaped, slightly flattened on one side and elongated on the other. Their taste is sweet and they are ideal to be eaten raw and for sauces.
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This variety is vigorous and very resistant to diseases. Its bright red fruits are small and round. They are resistant to breaking down, partly due to their texture.
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This variety has close internodes and produces lots of round fruits. Their bright green colour turns to deep red when completely ripe. They can reach a weight of 30 grams each.
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This variety is typical of the Castelli Romani area. Its fruit has a round, flattened at the poles, and non-homogeneous shape. When completely ripe it becomes deep red. Thanks to its sweet and delicate taste, they are ideal for sauces.
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This vigorous variety is ideal both for cultivation in greenhouse and in open field. It produces big and round yellow tomatoes. Their skin is smooth and strong and it covers the whole fruit.
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This very productive variety grows well with abundant watering during ripening. Its fruits are round and medium sized. They weigh about 100 grams. Skin and flesh are dark yellow. After harvesting they should be hung for preservation, even in winter.
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This variety is very resistant to diseases. It is ideal for harvesting from summer to the first cold weather. It can grow up to 1 meter in height and it doesn’t need any support during growth. Its fruit are bright red and medium weight. Their flesh is tasty and compact.
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This variety is very productive and it keeps for a long time after harvesting. Its taste is sweet and delicate. It produces cherry tomatoes grouped in pendant clusters. They have a deep red colour.
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This variety is ideal both for cultivation in greenhouse and in open field. Its fruits have an oval, slightly curved, shape. When completely ripe, they get a light red colour. Its flesh is compact and thick, without any placenta cavity.
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This variety is ideal for transplant in April and May. It is easy to grow, since it doesn’t need a specific care. However it needs to be watered regularly. Its fruit has an elongated and smooth shape. Its flesh is compact and tasty.
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This variety is vigorous. Its peculiar shape protects its fruits from direct exposure to sun rays. They are oval, with a pear shape at the bottom. When completely ripe, they get a deep red colour.
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This variety is easy to grow. It doesn’t need any specific care, but it needs constant and controlled watering. Its fruits are medium sized. They have an elongated shape and a thick and compact skin. They have a sweet and intense flavour and they are particularly suitable for sauces. When completely ripe, they get a peculiar bright red colour.
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This variety is easy to grow. It adapts to all kinds of soil. It needs frequent watering, but without excesses. Its deep red fruits are egg-shaped and the skin is thick. After harvesting, they can be dried and eaten in winter.
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This variety is very productive and it doesn’t need any support during growth. Its fruits are not very big and they have a deep red or dark green colour during ripening. Thanks to its sweet and intense flavour, they are ideal to be eaten raw.
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This variety is vigorous and very resistant to diseases. It generates clusters of medium-small bright red tomatoes. Their shape is oval, slightly elongated. They have a sweet and savory taste.
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This variety is ideal for transplant in March and harvest in June. It produces clusters of tomatoes with a thin skin. Their colour is red, with a green collar. Thanks to their sweet and succulent taste, they are ideal to be eaten raw.
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This variety needs soils which are well fertilised with mineral fertilisers. Its leaves are similar to the leaves of potatoes. Its fruits have a great taste. They are deep red and they can reach a high weight.
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This rustic variety has Apulian origins. It produces clusters of small red tomatoes. After harvesting they can be preserved also during the winter season. They have a pointed apex.
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This variety is peculiar for its oval shape, with a slightly pointed apex. Its thick skin is dark red. Storing the tomatoes on “piennolo” (top) bunches, their skin and flesh become darker. Their taste is strong and intense. Their high resistance is due to the skin texture, to the firm junction to their stalk and to the high concentration of sugar.
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This variety is typical of the Campania region. It is peculiar for its yellow colour. Its yellow “piennolo” (top) is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Its fruit have a thick skin and a compact flesh. After harvesting, they can be left hanging in a place that is not too cold.
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This variety is very strong. It produces round and ribbed fruits. They are very big, in fact they can reach a 1,3 Kg in weight. Their colour is red, mixed to bright green.
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This San Marzano hybrid variety is very productive and vigorous. Its fruits are round and yellow and they have a sweet flesh. Thanks to its texture it is widely used in cooking for sauces and peeled tomatoes.
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This variety is peculiar for its color, ranging from orange red to dark green on the top. Its fruits have a sweet and slightly sour taste. After harvesting they can be eaten raw or to prepare sauces.
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This very productive variety is ideal for transplant between April and June. It produces big fruits to harvest at the end of summer. They have few seeds and a plentiful pulp. Their skin is dark yellow. They are very tasty and they are ideal to be eaten raw and to prepare sauces.
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This variety grows on the slopes of Vesuvius. Harvest is between June and October. Its fruits are oval, with a slightly pointed apex. Their skin is bright red, smooth and soft. They have a sweet and slightly sour taste. They are ideal to be eaten raw or in salads.
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This vigorous high quality variety grows well in any climate. Its fruits grow in clusters, with up to 8 tomatoes each. They are bright red and they have a sweet and sugary taste. They are ideal to be eaten fresh in salads or to prepare fresh and summery sauces.
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This variety has a peculiar dark colour, almost black. It is easy to grow. It is very fertile, producing new fruits in a short time. It produces small tomatoes. They have a sweet and sugary taste. Their flesh has a dark colour, almost brown and it is dense and strong.
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This hybrid and very productive and vigorous variety is typical of the Vesuvian area. Its fruits grow in clusters. They are small and they reach 60 grams in weight each. Their skin is mainly red but the flesh is lighter. They are sweet and tasty.
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This variety is very resistant to diseases. It produces big, round fruits, slightly flattened at the poles. It is easy to grow but it needs specific holders to grow well. Tomatoes are red and they have a plentiful and dense flesh.
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This variety is peculiar for its bright orange colour. It is typical of the Italian culinary tradition. It produces date-shaped fruits, oval and slightly elongated. Their taste is fresh and delicate, even aromatic. They are ideal to be eaten fresh or to flavour light sauces.
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This variety is very productive and vigorous and it is resistant to diseases. It has bright green leaves. Its fruits have a cylindrical shape with a pointed apex. They are small and yellow during ripening. They have a sweet, not-acid, taste.
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This variety grows by grafting and it is resistant to diseases. It produces small tomatoes, peculiar for their green colour with orange-red stripes. They have an oval, narrow and slightly elongated shape.
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This variety grow in clusters and it keeps for a long time after harvesting. Its fruits are peculiar for their small and elongated ships, which is typical of the date. They have a sweet and tasty flavour. Their skin is red, thin and smooth. Their flesh has few seeds and it is red, too.
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This variety is very productive, resistant to common diseases and easy to grow. Its fruits grow in clusters and they have a sweet and succulent taste. They are ideal to be eaten raw or to make delicate and sweet sauces.
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This healthy variety is very productive. Its fruits grow in clusters. They have an oval and small shape. They can weigh about 45 grams each. Their skin is smooth and homogeneous and It is reddish. Its flesh is soft and succulent, sweet and tasty.
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This variety has French origins, from Marmande. Its fruits are round and middle-sized, not too big. They weigh about 150-200 grams. When completely ripe, their skin is bright red. Its flesh is dense and rich, sweet and tasty.
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This hybrid variety is very productive. When completely ripe, its medium length fruits weigh about 150 grams. Their deep green colour becomes bright red expanding to the top.
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This hybrid variety is ideal both for cultivation in greenhouse and in open field. It adapts to any climate and it produces lots of oval tomatoes. Their green colour becomes bright red when completely ripe.
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This variety is very productive. It is ideal for annual crop, without any specific care. However they need to be exposed to direct sunlight for long. Its medium sized fruits keep well even after harvesting.
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This variety is easy to grow, quite vigorous and very productive. Its fruits grow in clusters and they easily resist to apical rottenness. Thanks to their morphology, they are very resistant to many diseases. When completely ripe, they have an oval shape and a deep red colour.
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This hybrid variety is an enhancement of the “Nero di Crimea black tomato”. It is very productive and vigorous. When completely ripe, its fruits reach 150 grams. They are round with a smooth skin. Their purple colour is very dark. Their flesh has few seeds and it is dense.
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This variety is easy to grow. It is ideal for cultivation in greenhouse or in pot. Its fruits have a cherry shape. The skin has red and green stripes. The flesh is black. They have a savoury and sweet, not-acid, taste.
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This early variety is very productive. It is ideal for cultivation in greenhouse and in open field. It is very resistant to diseases. Its fruits are round, slightly flattened, with a firm texture. When completely ripe, they are bright red.
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This variety is vigorous. It produces small and oval tomatoes, which are optimal for growing in group. It is ideal for cultivation in greenhouse and in open field. They are bright red and they have a sweet and tasty flavour.
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This San Marzano variety produces small tomatoes. It is resistant to lots of diseases. Its fruits grow in clusters and they weigh up to 20 grams. Their flesh is succulent and sweet. They are ideal to be eaten raw or in a salad.
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This variety is productive and vigorous. Its fruits are round and slightly elongated at the extremities. Similar to the “datterino” tomato, they are bright red and a succulent and sweet flesh. They are ideal to be eaten raw or to make sauces.
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This variety is early and vigorous. It produces lots of sweet and tasty fruits. Their shape is elongated, similar to that of a horn. Their flesh is compact and succulent. Thanks to their morphology, they are ideal to be eaten dressed in salads.
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This variety is very vigorous and productive. It grows easily both in greenhouse and in open field, although it needs many nutritional requirements. Its reddish fruits have a thin skin and a very tasty flesh.
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This variety is strong and very productive. It produces elongated tomatoes, similar to a banana. It is resistant to many root diseases. Thanks to its very succulent and tasty flesh, it is ideal to be eaten raw in salads, or to make sauces.
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This variety is very productive and resistant to many root diseases. Its bright red fruits are harvested individually. They have an elongated shape, similar to a horn, reaching about 130 grams each. Their flesh is very tasty.
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This variety is very productive. Its bright red fruits are big and they have an elongated shape, with a homogeneous and smooth exocarp. Their flesh is tasty and ribbed. They are ideal to be eaten in salads or to make sauces, when completely ripe.
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This variety produces small tomatoes, which grow in clusters. They have a slightly elongated shape and a fresh, fruity and tasty flesh. They are ideal to be eaten as the main ingredient of the famous “Caprese salad”, together with fresh mozzarella.
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This variety is very productive. It is ideal for cultivation in greenhouse and in open field. Its bright green fruits have an oval, narrow and slightly elongated shape. They reach about 130 grams in weight each. Their flesh is dense and tasty.
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This variety is vigorous and productive. It is balanced and full of leaves, which cover and protect the plant. Its compact fruits have the typical shape of the San Marzano tomatoes. Their bright red colour becomes light green expanding to the top. They can be harvested individually or in clusters.
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This early variety is vigorous, belonging to the Camone family. To grow well, it needs saline soils and a careful watering without excesses. Its fruits have a round shape and a bright red colour, when completely ripe. They reach about 60 grams in weight.
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This variety is productive and vigorous. It is ideal for cultivation in greenhouse and in open field. It produces light red fruits, almost orange, which become bright green expanding to the top. Their flesh is dense and succulent with a sweet and sugary taste.
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This variety is vigorous and it needs organic soils which should be well fertilised. It produces small tomatoes. When completely ripe, they are bright red and round, with a slightly pointed apex. The plant can reach 30 centimetres in height and it needs a support to grow well.
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This variety is ideal for cultivation in any soil, especially those which are enriched with organic substances. To grow well and healthy, it needs frequent watering and to be exposed to sunlight for many hours a day. Its fruits have a flat shape, a soft flesh and a sweet and savoury taste.
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This variety is very productive, vigorous and resistant to root diseases. Its fruits grow in clusters and they reach 130 grams in weight each. A distinctive feature is that they can be harvested both when they are green and when they become red. Thanks to their sweet and delicate taste, they are ideal to be eaten raw or to make sauces.
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This variety is resistant to the most common environmental diseases. Its fruits are heart-shaped and they are ideal to be eaten raw in salads. They have a light red colour and a soft flesh, almost seedless.
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This variety is very productive and it needs a support to grow well. Its fruits are big and ribbed. Thanks to its sweet and delicate taste, they are ideal for salads and hamburgers. They must be transplanted in summer.
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This variety is productive and vigorous. Its big fruits are heart-shaped. Their skin is thin and sweet, with visible ribbing. Their flesh is dense. They can be harvested when they are completely ripe.
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This hybrid variety is very productive. It is ideal for cultivation in any kinds of soil, especially in fertile and well-drained soils. It is resistant to breaking down and to the most common diseases. Its fruits have a dark colour, similar to that of chocolate. They have a sweet and intense taste.
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This variety is easy to grow, both in greenhouse and in open field. Its fruits are round and their colour changes from green to red. They can be eaten even when they are still green. They have a sweet, slightly acid, taste.
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This variety is very productive and vigorous. Its fruits are medium-sized and they reach 120 grams in weight. They are round and red, with yellow stripes. Thanks to their sweet and delicate taste, they are ideal to be eaten raw in salads.
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This high quality variety is productive and vigorous. It is resistant and it keeps for a long time after harvesting. It grows well both in greenhouse and in open field. They are round and spherical, slightly flattened at the extremities. They are dark green with visible cracking.
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Seeds of a rather productive variety. It needs support in order to grow properly. The tomato has the typical shape of a horn. The fruit has a pink color, tending to bright red, and inside the pulp is very juicy. Ideal for salads.
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Seeds of a very productive variety. The plant of this tomato variety needs a support for proper growth and can be transplanted in the garden or open field since March. It is suitable to be consumed fresh from salad and ripe for sauces.
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Seeds of a medium-early variety. The undetermined plant needs supports in order to grow properly. Cylindrical-oval fruit of about 18-22 gr, bright red color. The plant is vigorous and ensures excellent production with single or double bunches.
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Seeds of a medium-early cycle variety. Fruits, with a rounded shape, are of a colour going from bright green to light red, depending on the period of ripeness. Medium-large, these tomatoes can reach up to 300 grams each. Excellent for cultivation in greenhouses or in the open field.
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Seeds of an early variety, vigorous, very healthy and productive. The plant needs support for proper growth. The small elongated fruits are sweet, bright red. The tomatoes are born in clusters. They are perfect for sauces of excellent quality.
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Seeds of a hybrid variety, with a medium-early cycle and destined to be cultivated especially in family gardens. Fruits are smooth, fragrant, of the average weight of gr. 200/230 with light green collecting. The plant is very thick, particularly suitable for outdoor cultivation.
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Seeds of a hybrid variety of dwarf tomato. The plant is vigorous and very resistant. Fruits are roundish, with smooth peel, of a colour varying from green to bright red when fully ripe. They are excellent to be consumed both fresh and for the production of preserves.
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Seeds of a very common variety in vegetable gardens, which needs little care and little, but constant, watering. The ideal planting period is spring. It is preferable to sow directly in the field, therefore without transplantation. The plants do not exceed too much in the growth. The tomatoes are medium-sized, rounded, with smooth and...
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Seeds of a variety that is characterized by the excellent organoleptic qualities of its berries. The plant is vigorous, medium-cycle, suitable for production in open field and greenhouse. The fruit has a characteristic shape, with marked ribbing and average size (220-260 g). The color is medium green slightly collected, which becomes red when...
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Seeds of a typical variety of the Ligurian Riviera. Its flesh is very tasty, slightly floury, with very few seeds and the aroma is as genuine as the tomatoes of the past. Very productive variety, it is naturally resistant to virus. The berries can exceed 300 grams of weight.
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Seeds of a medium-late variety of ancient origins and much sought after, especially in Tuscany in the Florentine area. It produces flat fruits, ribbed, which can reach about 200 grams of weight and are of an intense and bright red color when fully ripe. Ideal eaten fresh, grilled and for sauces.
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Seeds of a rustic variety with a determined growth and a medium cycle. The fruits are rather big, of about 100/120 grams, and are flattened with well pronounced ribs. The flesh is very tasty. Suitable for cultivation in the open field.
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Seeds of an ancient and important variety in the Tuscan reality. The name is linked to its shape of a "basket". The flesh is soft, firm, little watery and with few seeds; the skin is thin. The size is very variable: the berries weigh about 150-200 grams, but can reach up to 300 grams each. It is excellent well ripe in salad,...
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Seeds of a very productive variety. Suitable for cultivation in greenhouses or in open field. It produces large, juicy and tasty, bright red fruits. The tomatoes have a round shape, without ribs and are medium in size. The sowing takes place between December and January and the transplant in spring.
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Seeds of a very productive variety. The plant grows very branched and can yield up to 300 fruits. The fruits are sweet, can weigh between 15 and 18 grams, grow in clusters. The ripe fruits do not split and do not fall from the plant.
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Seeds of a variety resistant to Peronospora. The fruits, in clusters of bright red color, are firm and with a good taste. Very productive, the size of the berries can exceed 150 gr. The plant can be transplanted in open field between February and June.
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Seeds of a vigorous variety which also has an enormous productivity. Egg-shaped fruits with firm peel, firm pulp of intense color, weighing 80-100 gr. Ideal for peeled and concentrated, but also to be split, salted and dried. The harvest takes place about 50 days after transplantation.
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Seeds of a very productive variety. The medium-large fruits of elongated shape weighing 50-70 grams with thick skin. The sowing takes place around March or April and the harvest is done when all the fruits have turned red. Tomato for sauce, if harvested before ripening, they can also be used in salad.
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Seeds of a variety of tomato very rustic and productive chocolate color Rmande of indeterminate growth. The tomato has a flattened shape, ribbed, with very marked collection of dark green color and bright. The color goes from brick red, during the toning, to chocolate color, to complete maturation. The plant produces tomatoes of big size that...
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Seeds of a rather rare variety. Fruits are small, dark red, tending to black. This cherry tomato is rich in antioxidants and with a sweet taste. Transplantation takes place in the spring. Prefers cultivation in the open field.
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Seeds of a hybrid variety with a medium-early cycle. Fruit are typically ribbed and flattened is bright red with a dark green marked shoulder that creates an attractive contrast. Weight 130-150 gr, dimensions 7-8 cm x 4 cm. The plant is indeterminate, of medium vigour, but rather covering.
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Seeds of an early and rather vigorous variety. The fruits are small, with an oval shape similar to that of the dates. They are born in clusters and are bright yellow when fully ripe. This variety is suitable for both greenhouse and field cultivation.
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Seeds of a variety from the Ligurian Riviera. It produces fruit resistant to cracks, which reach the weight of about 300 grams. The flesh is tasty, slightly floury, with few seeds and the aroma of the tomatoes of the past. Excellent in caprese and in summer salads.
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Seeds of a medium-cycle variety. The fruits are medium-sized and have a spherical shape. They are born in clusters and are of an intense red color when fully ripe. The plant has average vigour and may need support to grow properly.
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Seeds of a rare variety, with which is also produced a particular ketchup. This is a fine variety with a sweet taste that prevails over the acidic component, easy to cultivate, resistant to diseases is considered the best Tomato in the World to make Sauces and Preserves. The fruits are of medium size and of intense red colour.
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Seeds of a very productive variety. The plant produces a fantastic purple tomato with a red heart, rich in natural antioxidants beneficial to health. Tomatoes have a balanced, sweet taste and are very resistant to diseases.
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Seeds of a hybrid variety. The fruit is half long, with an average weight of 130-150 gr. The colouration is green, medium intense, with a slight shoulder that at the turn acquires an intense bright red colouration. The plant is very rustic, covering and productive.
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Seeds of a hybrid variety, rich in antioxidants. The fruits are about 40 g, grouped in clusters of 10-12 fruits each, streaked light green/dark green. They are harvested about 60 days after transplantation. They are suitable for sowing in the open field or greenhouse.
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Seeds of a variety that adapts very easily to any type of soil. The fruits are medium-sized, ribbed and of a dark red colour, with green turns. With a sweet taste, this fruit is suitable for cultivation in greenhouses or in open fields.
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Seeds of an ancient variety, which adapts very well to the Mediterranean climate.  The plants prefer sunny locations and require the use of special supports to grow properly. The fruits have a very dark peel, close to the black, have a marked ribbing and are sweet to the taste.
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Seeds of a rather productive variety. The plant is of medium vigour with short internodes with well covering foliage. The herringbone bunches have about 6 oval fruits each and are uniform. The color is dark green with a marked shoulder that disappears when fully ripe.
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Seeds of a variety of ancient origins, from South America.  This particular type of cherry tomato produces an abundant production of fruits with shades ranging from dark red to black. It tastes great and is productive when cultivated in the open field.
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Seeds of a variety with an early medium cycle.  Tall plant that produces round fruits, globose, slightly ribbed blue-black that when ripe turn red. The fruits are very high in lycopene and have an exceptional taste. Suitable for sowing in the open field or greenhouse.
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This variety is very productive and resistant to diseases. It produces big fruits, which can even reach 300 grams in weight. Their flesh is soft and savoury, with very few seeds.
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This variety is very productive. It is ideal for cultivation in greenhouse and in open field. It grows easily, mostly for its high resistance to diseases. Its fruits are bright red and the skin is smooth and compact.
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Seeds of a variety very resistant to diseases and viruses. Fruits are extremely tasty, among the sweetest, with tomatoes of over 250 g. The tomatoes are roundish and ribbed, dark red in colour, with shades ranging from red to black. Very tasty, they have a thick flesh. Ideal is the transplant between March and June.
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